Project: WorkBook


WorkBook (WB) is a desktop app for CS/tech students who are applying for internships to manage their internship applications, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, WB can get your internship management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps.

Summary of contributions

Role in team

Team lead: Overall in charge of the project, setting direction, keeping to deadlines and making important design decisions for the project.

Code contributed

This displays my code contributions for the project: RepoSense link

Enhancements implemented

Contributions to User Guide

Contributions to Developer Guide

Contributions to team-based tasks

  • Set-up team repo
  • Maintain issue tracker & manage milestones
  • Release management
  • Liaise with professor and tutor to clarify tasks requirements

Review/mentoring contributions

  • Jacob and I vet PRs, giving as much constructive feedback as possible before merging into the team repo

Contributions beyond the project team